No doubt we are all affected by the media these days. We are surrounded by it because of the new technologies and the globalization phenomena. However, its negative effects are more noticeable and media is continuously criticised. But media is not just violence and explicit sex that harm and fill the mind with dust. We will see both sides of the coin.
The media has brought the possibility of being updated of what happens all over our world. These international events are brought to us by the speed of technology. TV, online newspapers, and even Twitter, to mention some of the tools that the Internet has, send and make information available in minutes and seconds. An online newspaper is not reliable if the piece of news it publishes is delayed or has a difference of minutes compared to other newspapers.
The new necessity of knowing what is happening here and in the rest of the world has been created, and actually, the disinformation in social, political, economical and meteorological issues is a serious problem in our society. However, we are acquainted with yellow news and an earthquake seems to have the same importance as the divorce of an actress.
Finally, media has increased our awareness about the masses about social and moral issues, which forms the future citizens of this global community. Children’s first reading habits and enrichment of vocabulary are produced by newspapers and the possibility to influence them. It is responsible for changes in cultural and moral values and also attitudes and beliefs in mankind. It is said it has a strong impact in the lifestyle of society as it influences behaviour. Although our capability to tolerate and listen to other views, opinions and beliefs has been widen, and we can also publish what we want, from an opinion to an advertisement, consequences are not always positive, as explicit sex and violence had been spread even by cartoons. Nowadays it is normal to watch a film with intruding sex scenes that have nothing to do with the plot.
We criticize media and its effects hardly but in fact, we cannot escape, we do not want to escape and it is more comfortable not to escape from them as we have already got used to it.
Buen enfoque de una temática muy actual;nada es tan maravilloso ni tan perverso, y los avances de las tecnologías de la comunicación no escapan a ello.Por lo tanto está en nosotros, la sociedad,hacer que estos recursos sean usados en forma lo más positivamente aceptable en post de mejorar el relacionamiento de los seres humanos respetando derechos,diversidades,culturas.