martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Languages are changing...

Languages are changing….

The “language” called Globish was coined by a business man who wanted language to be easier and universal, in order to do business. It has its advantages and disadvantages which are going to be explained in this essay.

From my point of view, the barrier for people who want to communicate among each other will continue to exit, although this man changed the language to make it simpler, and easier. He reduced the quantity of words, and he does not respect the rules as they are, which could mean that the language becomes easier, but anyway, there will be people who will not learn the language, and those people who learn this language, will acquire it in a wrong way. In other words, he is killing the language, without taking so much advantage from it.

What is more, Globish meets a communication need regardless of the English culture and traditions which mean that the people who use that language do not worry about the language itself; but only about the negotiations they can do using this .I do not agree with the fact that using Globish, you are not taken into conisderation the culture and the history of the language and the society where the language is spoken.

Another aspect to take into consideration, from my point of view, is the pronunciation of this new language. Thinking carefully, we are able to recognize that one of the most important aspects of a language is the pronunciation. The Globish language does not take this into consideration. They see language only as a tool.It is also important to take into consideration that the creation of Globish is also commercial. For them it is like a product which they want to commercialize, not a language. They only want to take advantages of it, and make money, without taking into consideration all its important aspects.

However, it has some advantages such as the possibility of speaking a language which will be understood by everyone, as a result of globalization. But I still disagree with this because of all the reasins mentioned above.

All in all, every human, is different and this is great. When we as human choose to do something, like speaking a new language which is simplified, thinking that we can communicate with one another using the same method; we are affirming that we do not want to be who we are, and that we are not taking into consideration the importance of being different.

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