El Imperio Inglés
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
The media: a positive tool?
martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011
2.Write your own essay: (150-250 words)
a- giving your views about any of the essays in this blog.
b- about a different topic you want.
Languages are changing...
Languages are changing….
The “language” called Globish was coined by a business man who wanted language to be easier and universal, in order to do business. It has its advantages and disadvantages which are going to be explained in this essay.
From my point of view, the barrier for people who want to communicate among each other will continue to exit, although this man changed the language to make it simpler, and easier. He reduced the quantity of words, and he does not respect the rules as they are, which could mean that the language becomes easier, but anyway, there will be people who will not learn the language, and those people who learn this language, will acquire it in a wrong way. In other words, he is killing the language, without taking so much advantage from it.
What is more, Globish meets a communication need regardless of the English culture and traditions which mean that the people who use that language do not worry about the language itself; but only about the negotiations they can do using this .I do not agree with the fact that using Globish, you are not taken into conisderation the culture and the history of the language and the society where the language is spoken.
Another aspect to take into consideration, from my point of view, is the pronunciation of this new language. Thinking carefully, we are able to recognize that one of the most important aspects of a language is the pronunciation. The Globish language does not take this into consideration. They see language only as a tool.It is also important to take into consideration that the creation of Globish is also commercial. For them it is like a product which they want to commercialize, not a language. They only want to take advantages of it, and make money, without taking into consideration all its important aspects.
However, it has some advantages such as the possibility of speaking a language which will be understood by everyone, as a result of globalization. But I still disagree with this because of all the reasins mentioned above.
All in all, every human, is different and this is great. When we as human choose to do something, like speaking a new language which is simplified, thinking that we can communicate with one another using the same method; we are affirming that we do not want to be who we are, and that we are not taking into consideration the importance of being different.
Consumerism and its possible effects...
Firstly, when we talk about consumerism, we should take into consideration what it means. As we know we refer to consumerism as the habit of buying and buying new products, without taking care of how much money we spend.
Once upon a time, people were not used to spend money as people do now, and the reason for this is that they were not so exposed to new things, because the media did not get to all the people it reaches now; and the other reason is that people took care of more important things, in the sense of buying and having new things, did not represent happiness for them.
Actually, people live for buying and having the new products which are in the market because this is the meaning of happiness for them. As we mentioned before, the media also has its effects on people decisions. Nowadays, people are exposed to a lot of different “propaganda” , which tells them that this or that product is excellent, selling them the product, and convincing them that if they do not have an x product, they are nobody, and that they will not be happy. These are consequences of Globalization.
Globalization allows us to know what is happening all around the world in exactly the same moment. Communication has improved our way of living, things which were unthinkable, like knowing what is going on in the other side of the world, or communicating with your friends in a cheaper and intimate way, are possible thanks to Globalization; but the question is: “ ...has it only good effects, or benefits?
Globalization has also bad effects on people and one example of it, is when people consume and consume, without taking care of other things. As we know, the media tries to convince us that we need all what they offer to be happy, and we as human beings believe it. Another bad effect is that we disconnect ourselves from the real world, for instance, when we chat with others, through Facebook, or when we make comments on Twitter, thinking that we are much more connected and that in this way we are more communicative with others, when in fact this is not true. While using all the benefits Globalization gives to us, we are not enjoying common things like
spending time talking face to face with our parents or friends. As a consequence we are less communicated among us.
More or less the same happens with people who consume a lot in the sense that as they are shown that they are nobody if they do not have the latest product, they buy this new thing. The media does not only sell us all new products and objects in the market, but also imposes a way of living. And what is worse, it convices us that we can be happy, only if we have all these things, and it does not give any value to real life situations which are enjoyable.
It is necessary to take into consideration that not all the people react in the same way. There are some people who are able to make a clear distinction when believing in something the media says about a new object in the market, but, sadly, these people are very few.
What is more, some of those people who believe in everything the media says become “compulsive buyers”, in the sense that all they see, they buy, and by this way, they get in enormous debts. Some of them lose all they have because they buy and buy, without taking into consideration that maybe they cannot afford these things they buy. What is more, there are very intelligent people who studied how to atract people using marketing and as a result they convince the most intelligent person who can discern what is necessary for them and what is not necessary.
All in all, it can be said that the major responsible for consumerism, from my point of view, is the media, and its actions which are made intentionally, for convincing people to consume an x product, but it is also important not to forget that people themselves choose what to do, in relation to this topic.
Advertising and our buying habits

Advertising has been increasing and developing itself throughout history, since its beginnings, more people have been involved in trying to develop and think about the many benefits it has on sales. Some sociologists are hired to measure the effects advertising has on people to think about the different products to be launched.
Advertising, is to some extent, a means of communication, but not any kind of, it is a one way of communication whose only purpose is to show a product to the people to be bought by them. Advertisements are full of words such as ‘the best’, ‘the fastest’, ‘the cheapest’, ‘save money from’; all these words combined in different ads may lead us to buy certain products which appear in those ads. People do not often consume products which are unknown to them, on the contrary, many tend to buy things that they saw on the T.V., or in Internet, or different means of communication.
Many people believe that the ads provoke a desire to consume those products that are shown there. This is, at the same time, one the main basis of consumerism and its effects on people. By being exposed to different ads, a necessity of owning them is created and we are all affected by those ads, but, we may react differently. According to our social status we may afford different amounts of products, especially if we are wealthy enough. In contrast to this, some people who cannot afford this kind of products may react differently, for example they may just give up the idea of buying it in that moment, waiting for the time they can afford it. But, in this same case, some people who cannot afford it, and at the same time, cannot wait to have the money to buy it, have started stealing products or even robbing money to get them.
The main theme is how can we leave this aside and go on without being influenced by ads? It is difficult to leave them aside, because we are always looking at ads, they are everywhere. From my point of view, it is a matter of self-consciousness, in which we should think of those things that are really relevant for our lives at the time we are living. Unfortunately, it looks like a chain, which we cannot be apart from, and we need to consume in order to remain in it.